Committed to helping my students succeed
Piano Lessons tailored to the needs of the student
Why I say, “Everyone can be Successful”
The Foundation of Kathryn's Piano Teaching
The foundation of Kathryn’s piano teaching is the belief that music is a language and a means of communication: it tells a story, paints a picture and sets a mood. Fortunately, the language of music is universal. There are many benefits for those who study the language of music, such as:
- helping people develop skills which can be applied to all areas of life.
- building new pathways in the brain: it makes you smarter.
- reducing the effects of aging: physical, mental, social, stress-related.
Kathryn also believe that:
- teaching is a privilege and a sacred trust.
- learning should be fun! And yes,
- Everyone can have success learning the language of music.
The following goals flow directly from the foundation of Kathryn’s piano teaching and provide her students a well-rounded and enjoyable experience:

- To provide the best training in the student's music education
- To give a well-rounded education for a life-long enjoyment of music of all kinds
- To instill a love of music and the love of studying music
- To provide an opportunity to explore a wide variety of music: classical, popular, sacred, jazz
- To provide a program of study that’s tailored to meet each student’s needs and learning style
- To teach the skill of reading music and the skill of moving the fingers over the piano keys
- To encourage the skill of practicing effectively and learning how to teach oneself
- To inspire courage & motivation to overcome fears or reticence in learning something new or difficult
- To help students understand that mistakes are good, that we can learn from our mistakes
- To commit to learn from my students how to best help them be successful

“Studying music makes a child smarter. It has a positive impact on reading and math skills.
It’s a necessity for the total development of the brain and the individual”.
Dr. Frank R. Wilson author of, “The Hand: How It Shapes the Brain, Language and Human Culture”
Committed to helping my students succeed

Graded Lessons
Graded Lessons are offered for ages 4 to adult with levels from beginner to grade 10.

Adult Lessons
Adult Lessons are tailored to the need of the student whether playing for enjoyment or for academic progress.

Lessons for Relaxation
These Lessons are for the person who wants to play piano but doesn’t have time to practice.

Exam and Festival Preparation
These Lessons focus on proficiency, technique, style and poise.
Types of Piano Lessons
Private Adult Piano Lessons
Group Piano Lessons
Classical Music
Preparation for Piano
Exams and Music Festival
Piano Recitals
Popular Music
Jazz Piano
Professional and experienced Piano Teacher
Why choose Kathryn As Your Teacher
No one ever gets to adulthood and says, “I wish I had never taken piano lessons!”
Kathryn's Excellent Track Record
Kathryn maintains a comfortable and well stocked studio with a grand piano in the center on which every student learns to play. Because a good instrument gives the best possible results, taking lessons on a grand piano ensures that every student’s opportunity to learn has the best start. As well, there’s a comfy adjustable height bench, so the little ones can reach the keys easily, and adults can also sit at the correct height. For the little ones, there’s also a footstool and a pedal extender for good balance at the piano. And, for an optimal learning environment, the studio is always well lit and comfortably warm in the winter and cool in the summer. In addition, Kathryn has several electric pianos equipped with headphones, so students can practice while they wait, or experiment with the sound options that an electric piano offers.
Having a great studio isn’t enough. Having a great teacher is when the learning happens. If you talk to Kathryn’s students and their parents, you will get excellent references. Many of Kathryn’s students have started lessons at a young age and continue studying with her for many years. Their loyalty to their teacher speaks volumes about her teaching ability and her skill at keeping her students’ interest and motivation for music lessons. And, in the studio you will always hear laughter because Kathryn has a great sense of humor and believes that lessons should first of all be lots of fun because learning happens best in a positive and cheerful atmosphere. Together with these qualities, Kathryn is also very organized and systematic in her approach to teaching, has lots of patience and is creative, positive and professional.
35+ years of teaching experience
So, how has Kathryn built this reputation for being a great teacher? First, she has 35+ years of teaching experience and continues to pursue ongoing personal development through music workshops and seminars, so her teaching continues to be fresh and up to date. Second, she offers a wide variety of music styles to thrill and inspire her students: Baroque, Classical, Romantic and 20th Century periods. She loves to introduce students to jazz even in the very early years of study, and she happily teaches pop music, improvising and playing by ear. Whatever inspires or motivates her students to learn is what Kathryn teaches.
And finally, Kathryn’s studio policy is straightforward and easy to follow: lessons are scheduled on a weekly basis from the 2nd week of September (so the children can get settled in school the first week) to the last week of July. Those summer lessons, during the months of June and July, can be rescheduled to fit your summer holiday plans; they don’t necessarily have to continue on a week to week basis. As well, fees are due the first of each month by a series of post-dated cheques, email transfer, or credit card for your convenience. And, music is purchased by and reimbursed to Kathryn, so that you don’t need to make trips to the music store yourself.
Unique and Proven Teaching Style
At the initial interview, Kathryn will tell you all about her studio policy, the books and methods she uses for teaching and answer all of your questions about music lessons because the purpose of the interview is to give you all the information you need to decide if Kathryn is the best teacher for you or your child. Then, once lessons begin, there is an ongoing communication between teacher, student and parent because even if the parent has no music background, the parent is still his/her child’s music educator, so must be informed of the child’s progress, needs and challenges. In addition, Kathryn strives to learn each student’s learning style and interests, so she can best help the student be successful at the piano combining learning to read music with the students’ abilities to play by ear and hear and imitate what he/she hears.
The Personal Touch
When you study in Kathryn’s piano studio, you become part of her piano family because Kathryn takes a personal interest in each and every one of her students. She does this by getting to know you and your child in a friendly and positive way that make piano lessons an enjoyable weekly event. Then, at the recitals, the whole piano family gets together to support and encourage each other; new friends are made within the piano family. As a result, Kathryn has developed lots of patience working with her many and varied students over the years, and she gives lots of positive encouragement because she’s always watching for those “aha” moments that take place when a student really “gets it”! That’s because Kathryn has the attitude that teaching is a privilege and a sacred trust.
Let my experience help you become a better pianist
Get your first consultation free!
Come to my home studio for a one hour interview. No charge.
We’ll talk music, pianos and how I operate my studio. Once you’ve had a chance to meet me, you’ll know if I’m the best teacher for you or your child.
Teaching is a privilege and a sacred trust